Saturday 6 June 2015

Hair Loss Solutions

At present there are many causes that promote hair loss in both men and women, either by stress, poor diet, illness or accident or the dreaded "genetic heritage". Alopecia or hair shortages often deteriorates the image we perceive ourselves and therefore we project to others. And we're not aware of the importance given to socially image from getting a job interview, relate to the opposite sex, or go appropriately to a social event many times. Hair and its definition are our letter and we must care for it as we do with the other elements of our look.

If you have low volume or lack of hair, the hair stylists Natural Hair Center are at your disposal to give you the best advice and solutions and so make the most of your hair. And most importantly, you'll look better because they will get to go to fashion and normalizes your image naturally.
The importance of hair with a hair prosthesis

The cut, color and styling of your hair is essential when there is little volume or lack of it in some areas of your head. The definition of the cut and style must always be in harmony with the features of your face and the features that stand out in it.

One of the most popular solutions in these cases, and more natural results are capillary systems integration of natural hair, because in just 25 days you can see the results. These systems are made to your needs, with European natural hair texture same features that your own hair, giving it a more natural appearance and added value tangle tangled or, as with hair from other sources.
It is a fact: 65% of men between 25 and 40 years suffer some form of alopecia. No wonder the hair after the belly, is the second aesthetic concern of men. If even Jude Law has to deal with a deepening inputs and one that is gaining ground against the head! And we talked about some of the male problems more anxiety, depression and social isolation cause. But there are already effective and solutions for all budgets. And you're going to tell the.


What it is: today it is recognized that the effectiveness of Minoxidil  use as a treatment for hair loss, to stimulate new hair growth. Not surprisingly it contains almost all fall arrest blisters sold in the pharmacy. And, although the mechanism of action of this is not fully understood, which itself has been shown is that does not act the same in all people. Hence Svenson has developed a novel and exclusive Test Response Minoxidil, published in the prestigious international journal Dermatologic Therapy-. A test that can predict the responsiveness of each patient to treatment.

In short, you save time and do not waste your money on a treatment that you will not run. The completion of the test is simple and fast. Just get about three hairs from the scalp of the patient, in his anagen phase, when the hair bulb is visibly, and place in a small test tube containing a reagent solution. The sample was allowed to stand for a few hours and it is determined whether the use of this drug will be effective in that person or, on the contrary, must resort to another solution.

What it does: it makes a preliminary diagnosis to treatment to calculate each patient's ability to convert Minoxidil Minoxidil sulfate, more active form. This requires that the person has a high enough levels of sulfotransferase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion.


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